Harf Kahani – Aik Tha Ainak Ullu Wala
₨150بچوں کو حروف تہجی کی پہچان کرانے والی حرف کہانی سیریز جسے عمیرہ احمد نے نہایت آسان اسلوب میں لکھا ہے۔
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The story revolves around Saba Kareem, who is so far the most unique and different character by the same author. Saba is married to Arfeen against the wishes of his parents. Being in love with Saba, Arfeen feels a strange unfathomable tinge of spirituality in her. Despite the displeasure of his parents they are happy and satisfied with their life. Overwhelmed by her hatred Arfeen’s mother plans to get rid of Saba by maligning her character. Saba falls prey to the vicious plot as she has no proof of her innocence and apparently all evidence is going against her.