Harf Kahani – Aik Tha Ainak Ullu Wala
₨150بچوں کو حروف تہجی کی پہچان کرانے والی حرف کہانی سیریز جسے عمیرہ احمد نے نہایت آسان اسلوب میں لکھا ہے۔
Aab-e-Hayat is 2nd part of Peer-e-Kamil
972 in stock
This story is written in first person narrative. Love, Intrigue, mystery and deception are the dominant elements of this story. The intricate depiction of a man’s thought process versus a woman is the main theme.
Conceit, deceit egoism and selfishness are the dominant colors of Mey ney khwabon ka shajr dekha hey. It portrays the connive side of human psyche; which believes everything is fair in love and war.